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Fulfill EnEfG obligations

Report waste heat, create implementation plans and introduce energy monitoring – we support you!

Companies with an energy consumption exceeding 2.5 GWh are required to record and report their waste heat in compliance with the Energy Efficiency Act (EnEfG). For higher consumption levels, plans for final energy savings and monitoring systems are also mandatory.

Our experts will guide you through all the necessary steps.

Book your free initial consultation
  • 01

    Quick Check

    Is your company affected by the EnEfG? If so, which parts of the law are relevant?

    • Waste heat
    • Implementation plans
    • Energy monitoring

    We determine your final energy consumption and draw up a roadmap for legally compliant fulfilment of all EnEfG requirements.

  • 02

    EnEfG Compliance

    Depending on your legal obligations, we can advise you on the following topics and support you in their implementation:

    Waste heat

    • Recording and determining waste heat
    • Reporting on the ‘Platform for waste heat’
    • Measures to avoid and utilize waste heat

    Implementation plans

    • Creation and testing of final energy saving measures
    • Profitability analysis according to VALERI / DIN EN 17463
    • Publication of the implementation plans

    Energy monitoring

    • Introduction of energy management according to DIN EN ISO 50001 or environmental management according to EMAS
    • Supplementing existing management systems for recording energy flows and process temperatures
  • 03

    Annual audit & reporting

    • Review of implementation plans and management systems
    • Automated reporting of waste heat
    • Ensuring EnEfG compliance

Book a free initial EnEfG consultation

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Manuel Gräber

Managing Director


Franz Lanzerath

Managing Director


Who does the EnEfG apply to?

In addition to companies, the Energy Efficiency Act also obliges public bodies and data centers to reduce their final energy consumption.

Which companies are subject to the regulations of the EnEfG?

All companies - including SMEs - with a final energy consumption of more than 2.5 GWh are affected by the regulations of the Energy Efficiency Act.

Which companies need to introduce an energy management system?

According to the EnEfG, all companies with a final energy consumption of more than 7.5 GWh must introduce either an energy management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 50001 or an environmental management system in accordance with EMAS.

Are there special requirements for energy management systems under the EnEfG?

According to the Energy Efficiency Act, energy or environmental management systems must also record energy flows and process temperatures.

What deadlines apply to the creation of implementation plans for energy end-use saving measures?

According to the EnEfG, implementation plans must be drawn up, reviewed and published within 3 years.

Who is authorized to check the implementation plans?

The audit must be carried out by an independent expert (e.g. energy auditor in accordance with EDL-G) who has not drawn up the plans themselves.

By when must waste heat potentials be reported?

Waste heat must be reported annually on the waste heat platform by 31 March. However, for the first time on 1 January 2025.

About TLK Energy

TLK Energy has been offering consulting services in the fields of thermodynamics, control engineering and process engineering since 2015. We help our customers to understand and improve their technical systems.

Data-driven energy consulting for industry

We support you in fulfilling the EnEFG requirements
and help you reduce your energy costs by up to 30 %
on the basis of a holistic data analysis, ensuring you are ideally positioned for the future.

Learn more